2024 in review

Here are some highlights and lowlights from 2024…

Highlight: Moving to Connecticut

After 10 years in SF and Austin, I finally moved back to the East Coast. We decided on Westport, CT—a place we had no prior connection to but quickly fell in love with. We live on a river, walking distance to the little downtown, and a 5 min drive to the beach. It’s inspiring to live in such a beautiful place. The beach, old New England homes, hydrangeas, charming towns and fall leaves are some highlights. We get all of that, plus we’re only an hour away from the best city in the world. I was nervous to live in a suburban place but it’s been great!

Highlight: Living closer to family

I’m a car ride away from my family for the first time in 10 years. 2 major highlights: (1) My parents get to be a regular part of Naomi's life, and (2) I get to see my family for little moments. I used to only see them for big moments like Christmas, a milestone birthday, or a birth. Now I see them to go to a museum exhibit, rub my sister’s pregnant belly, and take Naomi to the petting zoo. These little moments are what life is about.

Lowlight: Leaving our Austin community

It was hard to leave our Austin community. We had a big circle of friends, and many were friends were each other. Our friends prioritized community and fun. Hangouts were spontaneous. Multiple nights of the week we’d drop by a friend’s house to say hey, eat takeout, or hop in the sauna. Things in Westport have been different. I think it’s partially because we’re new, but I also think the culture of the NYC area is different than Austin. People here are much more focused on work and their nuclear families. We’ve met great people in Westport, but we miss the impromptu weeknight hangs with our Austin friends.

Highlight: Naomi's First Year

We celebrated Naomi's first birthday in October. It’s insane to think back to the 2 month old she was at the beginning of the year. Now she walks, talks, and makes us laugh. She’s obsessed with bananas, reading, and getting into everything! She asks for “nana” (banana), “sna” (snack), “wawa” (water), “baba” (milk), “baby” (lovey blanket), and a bunch of other things. I really feel like I can communicate with her now and that’s cool. It’s hard to imagine how different she’ll be in another year. I wish we could bottle up every stage and experience it over and over.

Highlight: Officiating our best friends' weddings

In September we had epic back-to-back wedding weekends. First, we flew to Austin to celebrate Neville and Rekha’s wedding. Neville and Sam have been best buds for over a decade, and we were next door neighbors when he met Rekha, so we watched their relationship grow from the beginning. Sam officiated their beautiful ceremony, which was a mix of Western, Zoroastrian and Hindu cultures.

The following weekend, we flew to Palm Springs for Lindsey and Tony’s wedding. Lindsey is my friend from college, and Tony is Sam’s friend from high school. They met 5 years ago at our wedding, where they walked down the aisle together in our wedding party. This time I officiated, which was a full circle moment. Witnessing their relationship gives me so much joy!

Highlight: Leaving my job

I left my job at Airbnb, after seven years working there. Seven years! Airbnb meant a lot to me. Walking away wasn’t easy, so I’m proud of myself for doing it.

I didn’t just say goodbye to Airbnb. I said goodbye to corporate work altogether (for now). I had to let go of my educational/career success as my identity. This is both freeing and unsettling. But it was the right choice and I haven’t looked back! I love being in control of my time, and I’m thrilled to spend zero time on Zoom.

Lowlight: Feeling aimless

That said, leaving work hasn’t been all smooth sailing. I feel busy but aimless. Right now I’m constantly chasing lots of little, mindless problems. I miss collaborating with smart people on big, challenging problems. Spending time with Naomi is so fulfilling. But managing our home, cooking, taxes, bills, etc…are not fun for me. And I’m not confident in my abilities in those areas! I don’t feel like I have a goal or big project right now, and I’d like to change that.

Highlight: Hosting

This year we’ve hosted a bunch of parties and a bunch of friends from out of town.

We hosted a going away party, Naomi’s first birthday, and a holiday pizza party. Hosting parties reminds me of some of what I miss from my UX job. Hosting a party is creating an experience. I like putting myself in other people’s shoes and creating something that makes them feel fun and cared for. Hosting parties is also a way I’m trying to build community in Westport.

I think we hosted overnight guests 14 times this year. Having a big house where we can welcome friends and their families brings us so much joy. Hosting friends feels like we have temporary roommates. Waking up in the same house as your friends gives you a level of quality time that’s really rare, and we cherish it.

Lowlight: Managing stress

I find myself getting overwhelmed and stressed more than when I had a corporate job. It feels like my tasks are never ending. I’ve always got something to do for Naomi, or our house, or our finances. I care a lot about doing these things well. Taking care of Naomi comes naturally to me, but homemaking and finance do not. I really need to figure this out, because otherwise I’m never going to find time to work on other meaningful projects.

Highlight: Live entertainment

Night outings aren’t as frequent as they used to be. But with our new local babysitter (grandma), we got out to some fun events this year. Sam and I saw Bleachers, Vampire Weekend, Foo Fighters, Green Day, and The Avett Brothers. I also went to the US Open for the first time in years—once with Sam to see Coco and once with my dad to see Tiafoe vs Fritz in the semis. And I saw a broadway show for the first time in a looong time. Getting out like this reminded me of our pre-baby life, and I want to do more of it in 2025.

Lowlight: Random adult fun

Writing this year in review made me realize how much fun I had this year. Still, I want to prioritize more adult fun in my day-to-day life. Both quality time with Sam, and girl time with my sister and close friends.

Looking Ahead…

Some intentions for 2025:

  • Plan more intentional fun

  • More time with my sister and niece

  • Explore more of New England

  • Key words: Joy, peace, courage, and confidence

Happy new year!


Baby days