Baby days

Naomi is 7 months old now. I adore this phase, knowing how fleeting it is. Since I returned to work about a month ago, it feels like time has sped up.  

I already mourn the day I can no longer scoop up her warm little body and hold her against my chest.

So, I try to savor every day. Our life is simple, but the little moments are rich. Naomi wakes me up before 7 every morning. Sometimes I wish for more sleep. But as soon as I start rising, my excitement builds to see her smile and scoop her up from her crib. 

How amazing is that? I feel excited to get out of bed every morning. That feeling used to be reserved for travel days, fun plans with friends, or concert tickets. Now, I feel it every day.

For the past few years, I struggled with a lack of purpose and direction. Now my purpose is obvious. Caring for others feels like the most meaningful thing I can do, and Iā€™m grateful I get to do it as a mother.


2024 in review


2023 in review